Customer Management is our Passion, CRM our Area of Expertise.

Client Vela is a consultancy firm and outsourcing specialist, and is one of the leading players in the field of customer management. We distinguish ourselves from other consultancies by our corporate philosophy of providing advisory and outsourcing services from a single source. In addition to this, we only recruit employees with a wide range of experience. This is because we believe that customer management can only be successful over the long term if your entire company is geared towards it.

We believe in a positive sense that
"No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port".
(Michel de Montaigne)

In our role as the pilot of your ship, we can help you to understand your customers and the processes that are relevant for them, to derive any strategies necessary and to implement appropriate measures. We will support you in optimising your co-ordinates and aligning your course to focus more closely on customer acquisition, customer development and customer loyalty as well as regaining business from former customers. We employ the latest methods in our work and are also able to take the rudder for you for a while if need be. You will still remain the captain, though.

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