Customer insight is the key to successful marketing of your products and services. You can derive target groups and determine the behaviour of your customers with the aid of analyses of data, customers, target groups and customer segmentation, which we would be happy to do on your behalf.

Analytical CRM

Analytical CRM spans all the issues in the CRM sector that are concerned with the availability, evaluation, interpretation and management of customer and transaction data.

When we conduct an analysis, we include the preparation - i.e. extracting, transforming, enriching and loading - of data, creating models as well as interpreting the findings and also presenting and processing the results.

The advisory services we provide include every aspect of analytics: from advice on strategies (definition of objectives, ascertaining prerequisites and requirements analysis) and advice on infrastructure-related issues (tools, methods and processes, resources, control issues, costs and benefits) to support during the implementation stage regarding the tools, suppliers, models and methods to select.

Customer Insight

The services Client Vela renders in the field of analytical CRM include conducting analyses on the one hand and providing advice and guidance in this area on the other. The typical issues we tackle are shopping-basket analyses, segment and cluster analyses, affinities to products or communication channels, response and purchasing probabilities as well as the development of customer-value models.

Our advisory services also cover the most important prerequisites. Client Vela pays particular attention to such issues as the quality of data, its availability and its usage.

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