Dialogue Marketing

We derive an integrated dialogue marketing scheme from your corporate and marketing objectives, which will enable you to successfully control customer interactions in the future.

With your assistance, we analyse your current situation and evaluate your company’s strengths and weaknesses prior to defining new goals for you. Together, we then develop dialogue marketing schemes and corresponding action plans defining which customer is to get which type of advertising material, what content this is to have, when the measure is to take place and what communications channels to use.

Thanks to our conceptual and implementation oriented experience in the field of dialogue marketing and sales promotion - the so-called "below the line" measures - our experience in choosing, managing and linking up dialogue marketing suppliers (such as agencies, letter shops and customer-service centres) plus the scope of our industry know-how, we are able to offer you holistic packages to meet the challenges your company is facing. What's more, we're well-familiarised with the large variety of communications channels: regardless of whether you prefer a conventional direct mail promotion to be done or innovative Web 2.0 strategies to be used, Client Vela helps you reach your customers efficiently and effectively. If you wish, we also assist while implementing these strategies and schemes. And we won't lose sight of financial aspects such as your return on marketing investments.


Customers have never been as hybrid as they are today: consumer behaviour is getting harder and harder to predict; customers change roles dynamically – one day they are the ones sending a message, while the next they are the ones receiving it. Customers’ increasing use of various means of communication and new technologies for establishing contact makes it quite obvious that the most important distinguishing characteristics in the future will be emotionality and individuality. Only emotional, individualised offerings and approaches to caring for customers and providing them with adequate services are capable of winning and maintaining customers' loyalty in a market largely driven by quantity instead of quality. This is why we don't just help our clients to personalise their messages, but to individualise them as well. When doing this, we also keep in mind that messages need to be adapted to suit each recipient.

We support companies in choosing the right channels and technologies without losing sight of data-protection issues or the most appropriate way of addressing their customers in their own environment. This way we ensure our clients’ economic and competitive advantages and also increase their own customers’ level of satisfaction.

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