Attila Fekete

Attila Fekete Attila Fekete is partner at Client Vela and responsible for the consulting services in Switzerland.

After obtaining his degree in Business Studies in Zurich, he began his career as a consultant in the Business Engineering sector of a subsidiary of the Bankverein (now UBS). He subsequently moved to Credit Suisse to take up a position as project manager, helping to develop its Smart Card strategy and designing various co-operation and business models.

While working as a project manager at Arthur D. Little, he concentrated on strategy development and developing new lines of business as part of international projects. In addition, Attila also supervised a well-known network operator's mobile-licence tender. He also played a successful managerial role in the merger of three e-business units within a leading German bank.

Attila joined Swiss Post in 2004 where he was given the task of enhancing and managing the development of new lines of business at group level. He headed a variety of projects in the group's different fields while in this capacity. Furthermore, he provided support to the PostFinance and PostLogistics sectors regarding the development of their overall strategy and, as a project manager, was given responsibility for expanding the Group's new sector, "Strategic Customers and Solutions".

Mr Fekete has been in charge of Client Vela's Swiss consulting services since October 2007.

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