Piotr Krzeszowiak

Piotr KrzeszowiakPiotr Krzeszowiak is partner at Client Vela and responsible for Client Vela's Polish operations (Client Vela Sp.z.o.o.).

Piotr obtained a degree in Business Studies at the University of Cologne, specialising in marketing and market research. He also participated in the "Community of European Management Schools" programme at the Stockholm School of Economics.

While he worked for maconda Corporate Development, a management consultancy in Cologne, from 1999 to 2003, he was mainly in charge of projects concerned with customer loyalty and M&A, a number of which took place in other countries.

Piotr Krzeszowiak subsequently worked as a freelance consultant, focusing on media investments in Central and Eastern Europe.

He returned to his home country, Poland, in May 2005 and was appointed Director of Services at the local subsidiary of GHP, a company providing marketing services.

At Client Vela, Piotr has been responsible for sales, project management and organisational development in the Polish market since April 2006.

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