Jan Boluminski

Jan BoluminskiJan Boluminski is the founder and managing director of Client Vela.

Following his degree in Business Engineering, during which he specialised in Mechanical Engineering, and after successfully participating in the International Business Linkage Programme at Helsinki University of Technology, Jan Boluminski worked as an assistant at the Chair for International Innovation Management at the University of Berne, Switzerland.

In 1996 he moved to Roland Berger Strategy Consultants where he headed numerous projects concerned with strategy and finance for international groups of companies. Mr Boluminski joined Loyalty Partner in Munich in 1998 and took charge of Client Marketing, Operations, Customer Service and IT. He built up the "Payback" customer loyalty scheme, which covers a wide range of industries.

He founded Client Vela GmbH in June 2001, basing the firm on his rich experience of consultancy. Besides running the firm, Jan Boluminski also holds speeches on customer management in Germany and other countries. He is qualified in systemic coaching, which he studied at the IfW in Munich.

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