Data Warehousing

Client Vela provides support at each and every stage of launching and operating a data warehousing system. As we do this, we adapt our tried-and-tested approach to suit your particular requirements and possibilities.

The principal activities involved in data-warehousing projects are choosing strategies, making decisions, planning the conceptual design, soliciting tenders and drafting contracts, then implementing and running the system. We support you at every single stage and help you find answers to any questions that may arise. As for choosing strategies and making decision, the most important aspect is assessing the benefits a data warehouse might have, i.e. does it make sense economically? Which of your business goals can be achieved this way, and how can this be done? Once the efficiency of a data warehouse has been ascertained, we begin with the conceptual design, i.e. we determine which systems are supposed to provide input and which business data and reports are useful. Which different models and suppliers are of interest? How can your analytical objectives be achieved? We also support you in choosing a suitable implementation partner from our network of business partners or in preparing a corresponding invitation to tender, depending on your procurement processes. At the implementation stage, we deal with the entire project management aspects for you. Apart from managing the suppliers, we design a suitable project schedule and determining how much internal work is likely to be involved. You can then decide what has to be tested and to what extent, and who ought to receive training after the introduction. The implementation will be accompanied by regular detailed reporting on the current status of the project.

Once we have launched the system, we work together with you to ascertain the relevant operational parameters during normal operation. Which SLAs do I really need and what significance should they have? How can I ensure IT security and data protection? What kind of performance do I really need? All of these parameters are determined, the most suitable partner is chosen and constantly monitored and managed.

In projects conducted in a wide range of industries over the years, we have found that although the volume of data has increased, the data itself has often been fragmented and scattered across a number of systems, making reporting difficult as a result. Client Vela's use of a data warehouse allows us to bundle data that is important to your company‘s success, enrich it with more information if desired and thus provide you with sound support in the decision-making process. When addressing all these issues, we draw on our own experience, which enables us to turn your ideas into reality. Flexibly, reliably and quickly.

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